Are you tired of being a feeder all the time? Get yourself started with League of Legends basics such as summoners, spells, laning, runes and the equipment system.
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league of legends bester champion, lol, build, akali, alistar, amumu, anivia, annie, ashe, blitzcrank, brand, caitlyn, cassiopeia, cho gath, corki, dr. mundo, evelynn, ezreal, fiddlesticks, galio, gangplank, garen, gragas, heimerdinger, irelia, janna, jarvan iv, jax, karma, karthus, kassadin, katarina, kayle, kennen, kog'maw, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux malphite, malzahar, maokai, master yi, miss fortune, morde, mordekaiser, morgana, nasus, nidalee, pvp, nocturne, nunu, olaf, orianna, pantheon, poppy, rammus, renekton, riven, rumble, ryze, shaco, shen, singed, sion, sivir, skarner, sona, soraka, swain, talon, taric, teemo, trsitana, trundle, tryndamere, twisted fate, twitch, udyr, urgot, vayne, veigar, vladimir, warwick, wukong, xerath, xin zhao, yorick, zilean, builds, guide, guides, online free game, champions
League of Legends is very complex game with a lot of information to be learned, in our basic strategies guide you are given some tips that are easy to understand for beginners but composed by some of the top LoL players. This will give you that edge you need to conquer any opponent early on in League of Legends despite not having the gameplay experience of others.
league of legends bester champion, lol, build, akali, alistar, amumu, anivia, annie, ashe, blitzcrank, brand, caitlyn, cassiopeia, cho gath, corki, dr. mundo, evelynn, ezreal, fiddlesticks, galio, gangplank, garen, gragas, heimerdinger, irelia, janna, jarvan iv, jax, karma, karthus, kassadin, katarina, kayle, kennen, kog'maw, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux malphite, malzahar, maokai, master yi, miss fortune, morde, mordekaiser, morgana, nasus, nidalee, pvp, nocturne, nunu, olaf, orianna, pantheon, poppy, rammus, renekton, riven, rumble, ryze, shaco, shen, singed, sion, sivir, skarner, sona, soraka, swain, talon, taric, teemo, trsitana, trundle, tryndamere, twisted fate, twitch, udyr, urgot, vayne, veigar, vladimir, warwick, wukong, xerath, xin zhao, yorick, zilean, builds, guide, guides, online free game, champions
league of legends bester champion, lol, build, akali, alistar, amumu, anivia, annie, ashe, blitzcrank, brand, caitlyn, cassiopeia, cho gath, corki, dr. mundo, evelynn, ezreal, fiddlesticks, galio, gangplank, garen, gragas, heimerdinger, irelia, janna, jarvan iv, jax, karma, karthus, kassadin, katarina, kayle, kennen, kog'maw, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux malphite, malzahar, maokai, master yi, miss fortune, morde, mordekaiser, morgana, nasus, nidalee, pvp, nocturne, nunu, olaf, orianna, pantheon, poppy, rammus, renekton, riven, rumble, ryze, shaco, shen, singed, sion, sivir, skarner, sona, soraka, swain, talon, taric, teemo, trsitana, trundle, tryndamere, twisted fate, twitch, udyr, urgot, vayne, veigar, vladimir, warwick, wukong, xerath, xin zhao, yorick, zilean, builds, guide, guides, online free game, champions
One of the most common questions of new League of Legends players is what are the best summoner spells to use? There is no simple answer for this, and that is why we have an entire section that covers each spell and when you should and shouldn’t use it. Never be left feeling like you picked the wrong Summoner Spell for your champion ever again.
league of legends bester champion, lol, build, akali, alistar, amumu, anivia, annie, ashe, blitzcrank, brand, caitlyn, cassiopeia, cho gath, corki, dr. mundo, evelynn, ezreal, fiddlesticks, galio, gangplank, garen, gragas, heimerdinger, irelia, janna, jarvan iv, jax, karma, karthus, kassadin, katarina, kayle, kennen, kog'maw, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux malphite, malzahar, maokai, master yi, miss fortune, morde, mordekaiser, morgana, nasus, nidalee, pvp, nocturne, nunu, olaf, orianna, pantheon, poppy, rammus, renekton, riven, rumble, ryze, shaco, shen, singed, sion, sivir, skarner, sona, soraka, swain, talon, taric, teemo, trsitana, trundle, tryndamere, twisted fate, twitch, udyr, urgot, vayne, veigar, vladimir, warwick, wukong, xerath, xin zhao, yorick, zilean, builds, guide, guides, online free game, champions
A huge part of any game of LoL is the laning phase, one of the first things that we cover in this guide a detailied explanation of the laning phase itself and how to have a successful one.
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